Friday, January 24, 2014


I don't want to tell people what I believe. They will just judge me, and tell me I'm wrong. They tell me to read the Bible. I do read the Bible. Every day. I talk to God - pray - every day. I appreciate the gift of every moment. I believe no one but the devil stays in hell forever. I believe I will do gymnastics in heaven, forever. I heard once: it's okay if no one else believes like you. Because it DOESN'T actually matter what other people think. It only matters what GOD thinks of us and of what we think and believe. I can't wait for my new king james version leather Bible to come, I am going to read it from the beginning of the old testament, I am going to study it and read it to understand and read it to memorize it. I am going to write verses down. I might fast, but God told me I don't need to. I want to lay down outside at night and look at the stars and talk to God, just telling him everything on my mind. It's too cold now, but Spring will come, and my knee will heal, and I'll go back to the gym, and God will keep all of His promises. When I wake up on a bed in heaven, I will see that everything I believed is true.

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