Friday, January 3, 2014

New Years Resolution Plus Love

I awake to an eternal stillness deep inside. I awake to my soul. I awake to an eternal singing. I sing in the darkness and am bursting with light. I want to tell every soul I meet that God loves them, and that they're safe, and that there's no reason to be afraid. Last year I found peace. Here is my goals and my resolution for 2014: My new years resolution is to write one poem every week and fast at least one day a month or one day a week and eat only healthy food if I occasionally eat chocolate its okay but I'll just try not to. And I also want to start reading literature and writing an essay on each novel I read. These are my goals and resolutions for 2014. I will read the Bible everyday, but I've been doing that since about five months ago so thats not new. I'll try to pray without ceasing, and listen for God's personal word to me. We'll live forever and ever. You need to have a lot of love in your life. God will give you love and you will meat compassionate, kind loving people. Heaven is a real world, with grass and fields of flowers and buildings and swimming pools and a school and I hope there's a gymnastic center there with a tumbling track and huge soft mats and a trampoline surrounded with mats and a harness to flip with until I can flip without it, and that dance class that I dreamed about, and the literature class I dreamed about. My mom hates it when I talk about heaven, but I think its important to talk about and think about heaven. It brings hope. I love all of you who are reading this! Leave a comment and tell me what you think of my writings. :)

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