Saturday, February 1, 2014


Love is a response to the unknown; a vivid portrait of those life-altering moments stained with equal parts hope and melancholy, peace and sadness, love and joy, we reach forward with our fingers, flying towards the sun, waiting for heaven. My mind is altered by the will of God: he puts DMT in my brain, and I float in the peaceful blue sky. I will soar like I soar in my dreams, the way I fly in my dreams like I’ve been flying forever. Life is the moments that take our breath away: the moment the rhythm of our breath slows down and we listen to our heartbeat. I march to the beat of a different drummer: God, and his Son, and his angels, his people in heaven, his people on earth. I declare an oath: that I am Christian, and will never forsake the Lord. We will do this forever. I will sing and play guitar, play flute, flip on big mats, with a spotter. I don’t have any words to write. God will give me the right words. My pineal gland is a gift from God. It’s not calcified, because God gave me a new body, and since then, he has not allowed any poison in my body.

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